Tag: saltstack

Aria Automation Config, SaltStack, SaltStack Config

How to provision local SaltStack Master to work with VMware Aria Automation Config Cloud (aka SaltStack Config)

Recently I had to install and configure a SaltStack Master in my home lab and connect this master to my Aria Automation Config Cloud (aka SaltStack Config, i will use both names in this post) instance. Even if the official documentation improved a lot, there are still some pitfalls, especially if you are not experienced …


Salt Extension Modules for VMware – Quick How-To

My fellow colleague Vincent Riccio described here in his blog post the open-source SaltStack Modules that provide hooks into components such as VMware Cloud on AWS, NSX-T, and vSphere.These modules are a fantastic way to implement prescriptive configuration management across various VMware infrastructure components using the same solution as you should use for software and …